
Welcome to NJA College of Education, Wa

50 Years Experience

50 years of experience in training students is a long time, and it is likely that the instructor has had a significant impact on many students over that period. This experience can provide a wealth of knowledge and insight into teaching and learning, as well as a deep understanding of the needs of different types of students

An instructor with this level of experience may have had the opportunity to develop unique teaching methods and strategies that have proven successful over the years. This knowledge can be invaluable to new instructors who may be just starting out in the field.Additionally, the instructor's extensive experience may provide a valuable resource for other instructors and educators who wish to learn from the methods and strategies that have proven to be successful.

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NJA College of Education

Our Policies


NJA College of Education (NUJACED), Wa is committed to admitting high-quality students by identifying merit and ensuring that the admission process is unbiased, fair, and transparent. The admissions policy and procedures support the goals, vision, and aims of the College as laid out in our strategic plan. In the case of admission to NUJACED, these policies and procedures are also guided by the principles outlined by the College, NCTE and NAB. The NCTE, NAB requirement for Colleges of Education states that;

i. WASSCE Holders: Credits (A1 – C6) in five subjects. Three core subjects including English language and Core Mathematics, with a minimum of C6 in any two (2) electives subjects relevant to the programme of choice.

ii. SSSCE Holders: Passes (A – D) in five

iii. subjects including English language and Core Mathematics. Three (3) of the subjects must be relevant to the programme of choice. iv. NVTI Holders: Must have three (3) credits or better in the core subjects (English Language, Core Mathematics, Integrated Science and Social Studies) and three (3) passes or better in the elective subjects. v. Requirements for Visually impaired students: Must have English Language and Social Studies (A1-C6) and credits (A1-C6) in any two (2) Electives.

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• To maximise the potential of all student teachers

• To engender a lifelong love of learning;

• To prepare student teachers for all aspects of their lives;

• To contribute to student teachers’ understanding of themselves, society, and the world;

• To help meet the needs of the local and national educational systems and also help in the communities they find themselves

• To enable all students’ teacher to be successful;

• To enable all to make positive, well-informed decisions about all aspects of their lives;

• To help all student teachers to understand that they will always have more to learn, that they can always learn from others, and that others can learn from them.

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Purpose/Objective This policy has been developed so that stakeholders (parents, students and tutors are aware of their responsibilities in the assessment and feedback process of all programmes offered in the institution. This involves:

• Ensuring that students receive accurate and useful information about their progress and attainment.

• Ensuring that staff receives clear and effective advice on managing the assessment process.

• Ensuring compliance with Award Body regulations on assessment and quality assurance

• Supporting improvements in teaching effectiveness, student achievement and progression.

Marking will also be used to inform Teacher Trainees and the mentoring University: Effective marking should:

• Evaluate and assess learners

• Tell Teacher Trainees how well they are doing

• Teach Teacher Trainees what they need to do to improve

• Leave Teacher Trainees with action points

• Show them their work is valued

• Provide sensible advice

• Establish continuity in comments from one piece of work to the next

• Be consistent in approach across Departments

• Inform future planning and learning

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Purpose/objective The purpose of the research and publication policy for Nusrat Jahan Ahmadiyya College of Education is to:

i. Provide an instrument/device of ensuring that the research agenda meets the basic college functions of generating knowledge for the advancement of mankind including national development objectives and priorities.

ii. Introduce a research quality assurance mechanism

iii. Ensure adequate funding for research

iv. Support institutional capacity for strategic technical and operational planning budgeting and control for support.

v. To put a mechanism in place to ensure that academic staff attains the desired mix of output research and teaching so as to achieve the level demanded on the College. This can be achieved by remunerating staff to engage in research.

vi. Systems to be put in place to ensure that students undertake research programs to add up to knowledge to achieve the requirement set by the College.

vii. Enhance the marketing skills of the College and its academics in order to make full utilization of the research to address the need of both public and private institutions/sectors.

viii. Ensure dissemination of research results through regular participation in relevant fora at national, regional and international levels.

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. Purpose of Policy

i. To provide a framework on soft skills training and development, for all staff (teaching and non-teaching) in the College without discrimination. This will be done through the development of each individual and thereby enhancing the individual’s and the College’s performance;

ii. To provide contact details on where to find information on different types of training specific to staff needs within the College.


This policy applies to all staff groups irrespective of differences in terms and conditions of service, seniority levels, working patterns and any other irrelevant distinctions. Implementation of this policy will pay due regard to the College’s commitment to equality of opportunity as set out in relevant College Equality and Diversity policies. As a guideline for resourcing purposes, it is recommended that at least four working days per annum is set aside for individual staff involved in learning and development activities according to individual needs and requirements. Specifically, this will include the following:

• In house training programme

• Training Plans

• Access to external training

• Assistance for external studies

• Professional development leave

• Research opportunities

• Involvement in student productions

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Nusrat Jahan Ahmadiyya College of Education is committed to enhancing its reputation as the best Science College of Education in Ghana and maintaining high levels of academic discipline and achievement that is respected everywhere.

The NUJACED’s appointment and promotion policy sets out principles that underpin a fair and transparent appointment and promotion process for all eligible staff. The promotion process is designed to recognize and reward excellent performance that supports the delivery of the college’s objectives. This is measured by an individual’s ability period and evidenced by the significance of their contribution and impact across the full range of college’s activities.


This policy shall apply to both the teaching and non-teaching staff of the college.

The Policy Statement

Nusrat Jahan Ahmadiyya College of Education makes every effort to ensure that all applicants are treated fairly irrespective of one’s gender, race tribe or colour and that the criteria based on individual merit are applied consistently.

Each application would be considered and judged on its merit in accordance with the criteria spelt out in the harmonized Scheme of Service for Colleges of Education. The appointment and promotion committee would give due consideration to any circumstances that may have had an effect on productivity while ensuring that the quality and impact of achievements is demonstrated to the required standard.

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Nusrat Jahan Ahmadiyya College of Education is committed to enhancing its reputation as the best Science College of Education in Ghana and maintaining high levels of academic discipline and achievement that is respected everywhere.

The NUJACED’s staff recruitment policy sets out principles that underpin a fair and transparent staff recruitment process for all eligible staff. The promotion process is designed to recognize and reward excellent performance that supports the delivery of the college’s objectives. This is measured by an individual’s ability period and evidenced by the significance of their contribution and impact across the full range of college’s activities.

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To educate staff, students and our wider community on acceptable standards in using the College’s ICT resources effectively as a tool for learning and to support and develop lifelong learning. This Acceptable Use Policy also sets out the responsibilities and required behaviour of users of the College’s information systems, networks and computers.

The purpose of the ICT Policy is

i. To provide optimum security for the use of the College’s Information System, networks and computers.

ii. To provide the resources and expertise that will allow users of ICT resources in the College to be discriminating and discerning in the selection and use of a range of Information and Communication Technology resources.

iii. To develop a broad and balanced experience of the range of information and communication systems and their applications and an understanding of their capabilities and limitations within our College.

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THE ESTATES MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT have developed this policy in exercising the powers conferred on the Minister of Education by section (1) of the NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR TERTIARY EDUCATION ACT, Act 847 of 2012 hereinafter called CoE Act 847 and in consonance with the Legislative Instrument (L.I.) 2012 which states that the Estate Management Department (EMD) shall provide support services to the various Divisions and Departments in the College in the following main areas:

(i) Educational Infrastructure Development

(a) Equipment

(b) Estates

(ii) Transport

(iii) Administration

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1. IN THE ALLOCATION of Accommodation (Offices and Houses) etc, there shall be a well-constituted ALLOCATION COMMITTEE. The Allocation committees shall do business in accordance with all the provisions enshrined in article 17 of the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana which states collectively and in summary that: IT IS ILLEGAL AND UNETHICAL TO DISCRIMINATE AGAINST ANY PERSON BECAUSE OF COLOUR, RACE RELIGION SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, etc.

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